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Friday, November 7, 2008

beautiful nature...

Watch a sunrise at least once a year
- cause watching it will tell u each day starts anew.
~Look people in the eye
- to let the people know that u are confident of what u are doing or saying.
~Sing in the shower
- to make urself appreciate ur own voice.....and to keep urself jolly
~Be forgiving of yourself and others
- So that others would forgive u when u make mistakes

~Never give up on anybody, miracles happen everyday
- cause people change everyday.
A person may not be able to do something today but by u giving up on them
they will have the spirit to do that something someday
~Surprise loved ones with little unexpected gifts
-to make them smile and to show them that u care

~Make the best of bad situations
-so that life will never be upsetting

~Admit your mistakes
-cause when u admit, u are showing u are courageous to face the consequences
~Slow dance
- to relax ur mind in times of stress

~Remember that the most important thing is trust
-Trust is the base of life. Trust can do wonders
~Make it a habit to do nice things for people who'll never find out
- Just imagine someone u have helped without their knowledge,. Seeing their happiness will make u feel
~Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures
- to show that u appreciate even little things
~Never cheat
- cause cheating will set ur mind guilty all the time....
~Smile a lot
- cause smiling reduces wrinkle
~Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have
- hope can even make the blind see

~Strive for excellence, not perfection
-cause no one is perfect

~Be kinder than necessary
-so that others will be happy

~Never take action when you're angry
-cause that is when u will be very regretful

~Be romantic
- so as to make ur partner and urself happy

~When someone hugs you, let them be first to let go
- to signify that u will never let go no matter what happens

~Seek out the good in people
-to forget their bad

~Look at the stars
-to think of life as beautiful as the skies

~Judge your success by the degree that you're enjoying
peace, health and love
-cause there is no use of success if u don't enjoy it at al
~Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them
- cause no one is guranteed to be alive when u want to tell them

~Laugh a lot
-to make urself happy

~Love deeply and passionately
-so as to have a closer bond with ur partner

~Eat meals with your family
-to have a easy talk with ur family

~Be the first to forgive
-cause no one is perfect so do forgive others

~Don't let Weeds grow around your dreams
- cause those weeds will be ur life then

~Live and Be Happy
Posted by Gudur Sarab Lokesh
at 4:45 AM
Two Days We Should Not Worry
There are two days in every week about which we should not worry,
two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.
One of these days is Yesterday with all its mistakes and cares,
its faults and blunders, its aches and pains.
Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control.
All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday.
We cannot undo a single act we performed;
we cannot erase a single word we said.
Yesterday is gone forever.
The other day we should not worry about is Tomorrow
with all its possible adversities, its burdens,
its large promise and its poor performance;
Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.
Tomorrow's sun will rise,
either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise.
Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow,
for it is yet to be born.
This leaves only one day, Today.
Any person can fight the battle of just one day.
It is when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities
Yesterday and Tomorrow that we break down.
It is not the experience of Today that drives a person mad,
it is the remorse or bitterness of something which happened Yesterday and the dread of what Tomorrow may bring.
Let us, therefore, Live but one day at a time
Posted by Gudur Sarab Lokesh
at 4:42 AM
Mother love, A very touching poem
He cannot tell his mother he's dying.
Somehow he's embarrassed, ashamed of fifty-six years
of imperfections, of doing everything she told him
(even as a teenager) not to do.
He's ashamed for her, too--her second son to die this way,
that out of her milk-white and perfect bones
came a perfect cell that would divide and divide
her heart into a million pieces, if she only knew.
His world was every yellow tulip she breathed in April,
every strawberry whose redness she swallowed in July,
every song on her lips whose notes
slid in tenor waves through her thin skin
and lulled him off to sleep again hush little baby don't say a word.
She once felt his fingers and toes fluttering
beneath the tight skin of her belly, his straining to open his mouth
and tell her everything in the world he knew was beautiful.
Now he feels an invisible weight
pushing out on his belly and his love has no words
for all the nothing in the world
he knows is beautiful.

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